+49 (0)33746 / 72180 +49 (0)173 / 2368400 ph-nutzfahrzeuge@t-online.de

Contact us

We will take care of your concern. Simply fill out the form, send an e-mail or call us!

Are you planning to buy or sell a machine or are you looking for a reliable partner with the necessary know-how and equipment for agricultural services?

Then you can reach us here:


Riesdorf 11
14913 Niederer Fläming
OT Riesdorf



+49 (0) 33746 / 72180
0173 / 2368400



Office Hours

Please make an appointment with us.

Contact us

We look forward to hearing from you and will process your inquiry as quickly as possible.

Privacy statement

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Your data is encrypted. In order to address you, we need your name. We need your e-mail address so that we can send you our answer and we need your message so that we know what we can do to help you or what your questions are.

PH Nutzfahrzeuge

Inh. Peter Huber
Riesdorf 11, 14913 Niederer Fläming OT Riesdorf
Phone: +49 (0)33746 / 72180
Mobile: +49 (0)173 / 2368400
Mail: ph-nutzfahrzeuge@t-online.de